** Raises hand **
YES! It’s my BIRTHDAY!! Woohoo!!
And I can’t decide if I want box confetti cake or Pierre Hermé pastries. Do I go American or French?
I’m lucky these are my problems.
But I really came here today to talk to you about getting caught up in life. Because that’s what’s been happening lately to me. This last month I went from having my mom here, to shooting in London, to having a surprise weekend in Italy, to having my best friend and her sister here, then going AGAIN to Italy with them, and now tomorrow it’s my birthday and all I can think about is what cake I should choose.
And I don’t feel bad. Well not too bad. Because you know what happens when you start living life? Stuff falls to the wayside. It just happens. And every time I want to get my butt into action life keeps pulling me away into another museum, convincing me that Picasso and Monet are geniuses and that I need to spend more time with their work rather than my own.
And life was right.
I do need Picasso and Monet.
And I need Italy.
And my mom.
And Modern Family binging with my best friends.
And when my friends leave on Thursday, I’ll get back to a 9-5 work week… maybe. Or at least back being a little MORE scheduled. And will be blogging again, and ahead on my client schedules, and LAUNCHING SOMETHING AWESOME FOR YOU GUYS.
Something awesome like that book that I said I would be launching on my birthday and now it’s my bday and it’s not done being edited yet.
(This is when my head tells me, “You know Katie you should have just gotten up earlier every morning and finished.” And then my heart says, “Head, first of all, shut down that negativity, second of all, no one likes mornings, and third of all, THE WORLD DOESN’T END IF YOU MISS A DEADLINE ONCE IN A WHILE!”)
Life’s full of road bumps, and me choosing some downtime and museums over finishing my book is one of them. I think the universe just needed to give me more inspiration. So, thanks for that universe!
So in honor of my birthday, and my upcoming book, spend some time living life. Turn your phone off, (the emails can wait until the morning) and enjoy some down time.
It’s on me.