Hey guys! I’m so humbled to tell you that I’ve been interviewed for the Inspiring Photographer Interview Series by Rebecca LaChance Art + Photography!
Here it is (click here to see her original post):
“Our third inspiring photographer interview!
Meet Katie Donnelly. An American woman living in Paris. Her photos on Facebook and Instagram make me want to hope a plane back to Paris! Her lifestyle photos of kids make me giggle.
Make sure you read all about Katie’s “why”. Why she takes the photos that she does. A “why” is required for every photographer because your “Why” influences how you present your work and how people find you.
I’m Katie Donnelly, a happiness expert and family photographer based in Paris,France.
Katie is best known for capturing childhood magic in a quirky, kiddish way. She then shows her magic tofamilies, who seem to forget how very wonderful and full of love the little moments are.
How did you develop as a photographer?
The school of life + photography school. Bosses, clients, teachers telling me what they loved and hated about my work. Taking that, and then finally realizing that I don’t give a crap about what THEY loved, I needed to give a crap about what I love. I realized that I loved kids and everyday life.
Do you have a philosophy of photography/art? How does that influence your photos?
It’s gotta make you feel. If it doesn’t, if you don’t hate it or love it or aren’t inspired by it, it’s not art to you. Point blank. Art is different for everyone. Also, everyone makes crap art, seriously, I take a ton of really bad photos ALL THE TIME because I know that I’m aiming for the really good ones, and it takes a lot of hard work to get them. I’m okay with that. It’s the fun in making art. Though it’s also frustrating.
Has photography opened you to new/different adventures? Into what new areas? How did it happen?
Teaching and writing. They’re both really scary things for me to do, but you gotta jump off the highest cliff to make the biggest splash right?
I started giving private photography lessons and I wrote the book, The Authentic Portrait: A Parent’s Guide to Documenting Childhood. It’s a book for parents on using their cameras, figuring out how to use simple natural light, and working with their own kids.
I’m really passionate about everyone being able to photograph their lives. It’s so, so important. I have only a few photos from when my parents got married and when my brother and I were kids. Before the divorce.
I want to know that I came from love. That they (parents) really loved each other. It’s so personal. So many people come in and out of our lives and have this huge impact on us that echoes for years, and through lifetimes. We need to remember those people.
What makes you “feel” a photograph? How do you translate that “feel” into the picture?
Hmm, I’m not so sure if I understand this question but photographs need to give me emotion. I want to hear the laughter and cry with them. I want to feel how warm and tight her hug is. It’s a whole experience.
Your favorite photos…what makes them special to you?
The people in them. They make me remember certain memories or give me a connection with someone I may not even know. Like I said before, you experience the photos, they aren’t just there to be pretty.
What has your photography taught you about yourself? and the world around you?
That art is really a series of self portraits. My business and goals around photography have pushed me past so many self-made boundaries and made me really dream. It’s made me want to throw up with fear, it’s made me closer to myself. I’m a naturally optimistic person, I’m so joyful so much of the time but I still carry a lot of baggage from my childhood. Like most of us.
It becomes very raw and clear when you dig deep. It’s scary to go down into yourself. You need courage. And a hell of a support team. I’m so glad to have the women over at the FCA, (Female Creatives Association) my other photographer/creative friends, and a partner who celebrates me and lifts me up. I’m really really lucky.
Are you involved in any projects? What do you hope to get from the project(s)?
I just wrote my book (woo!) and am starting some personal photo projects that I’ve been
dreaming about and have been too scared to start. Everyone’s always waiting for the right moment when most likely that moment was yesterday. I’m hoping to layer on the emotions and storytelling even more. I’m hoping that doing this project just for me, will help me get past my fears and self doubts of calling myself an artist.
My Take Aways:
- Your “why” is the reason behind your photography.
- Don’t be afraid to take the photos that YOU like.
Any other take aways that caught your attention? Feel free to share them in the Facebook Group.
Happy Weekend Everyone! Looking forward to see how the weekend inspires your details of heart and emotion.