It’s been a long time coming, but it’s with so much pride and happiness that KDP is expanding and welcoming Valeriya to the team as an associate photographer!
While this is still very much a mom and pop’s operation (well, just a “mom” operation because KDP is my baby), with every new season there is new growth and expansion. I’ve been blessed with the most incredible clients (I literally cannot say that enough, you guys freaking rock my world!) and so much so, that I need help keeping up. I especially help when I’m shooting in the states and can’t be in Paris or on vacation (like during my upcoming wedding and honeymoon this summer!). Valeriya has already been here in the background helping and I think it’s time to formally introduce her in all her beauty, talent and hard work. I’m beyond excited to have her photographing for KDP this summer and hopefully in the future!
So, along with popping some internet champagne (cheers guys!), here’s a little interview to get to know this lovely soul and one of her recent shoots. I’m beyond excited to have her on the KDP team, we are already booking shoots for her at the end of June through July and August, but if you’d like to request her specifically, just get in touch here.
Describe yourself in three words:
Dreamy, silly (weird humor, I find the funny in everything), driven
What languages do you speak?
Dutch, Russian and English(and learning French!)
How did you start in photography?
I actually painted as long as I can remember, I didn’t ever think I would do anything else. Until painting didn’t give me the satisfaction I needed. By that I mean that I always wanted topaint exactly the thing I saw (with every little detail) but it just never ever worked out for me. (I’m just a little biiittt a perfectionist) So in the meantime I was taking photographs with my moms little pocketcamera of my BEAUTIFUL friends and landscapes and not realising that this was the solution or future passion or anything of that kind. By the age of 19 (when graduated from highschool) I had to choose what to study and I really don’t know why, I chose photography (because I never tought of it as something to make a living of). And it finally gave me this satisfaction of “representing” reality with a twist, by that I mean my point of view. And I think this was one of my best choices ever.
Tell me something you’re passionate about?
Romance! And fashion, I just love clothes, all of them.
Where are your top 3 places you love going in paris?
Petit Palais is my happy place, Palais Royal and l’Orangerie with Monet’s Water Lilies.
What’s one thing you always recommend your clients do to prep for their shoot?
NEVER ever ever ever to put on prints on T-shirts. (Or to buy them in general 😀 )
What makes you happy?
Coffee or tea?
Can’t live without either.
Ice cream or cake?
What’s one awesome thing you love about yourself?
My skill to cook a decent meal almost out of nothing.
Welcome to the KDP family!
Here are a few of my favorite photographs she did of Pyk and I last year:
Here is a stunning family session that V recently photographed: